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Digital Fingerprint for Commodities Supply Chains

Distributed Commodities Register



Customers are able to use INRADIUS technology to speed transfer of essential data identifying commodity consignments, confirm ownership to financing banks, and enable better ESG reporting. 

1. Create digital fingerprint of asset and supporting documentation

2. Build consignments for customers 

3. Split, merge and mix consignments using digital register of assets

without compromising traceability

4. Create owners and service providers private networks to share and transfer assets while maintaining commercial confidentiality

5. Instantly prove and identify status and data stewardship

6. Retain records for inventory and ESG reporting

Data regularly shared in the commodities supply chain includes Certificates of Analysis, Weight, Origin and Custody.


INRADIUS also supports ESG certifications such as CO2 Emissions Certificates and mass balance calculations used to guarantee responsible sourcing requirements.

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