Digital Fingerprint for Commodities Supply Chains
INRADIUS has created a Digital Fingerprint for commodities data to improve trading efficiency, reduce risks and enhance reputation.
Our platform enables users to capture and pass the description of assets between one another simply and efficiently.
INRADIUS gives commodities a Digital Fingerprint so that the supply chain can track their attributes, status and ownership.
Data is stored in the INRADIUS Distributed Commodities Register (DCR), a cloud-based, live and accurate “library” of physical commodities descriptions.
This makes trading more efficient, less prone to mistakes and fraud, and helps users meet new Environmental, Social and Governance benchmarks.
INRADIUS goes to the source of the data, enabling its Digital Fingerprint to underpin all post-transaction execution and messaging.
The DCR brings together immutable and mutable digital records and documents produced from these records to tie the underlying asset indisputably to its current status.
By creating a standardised register and network, INRADIUS is saving users time, money and potential reputational damage.
Transfer records through commodities supply chain
Protect confidentiality of data and custody
Demonstrate unicity of ownership
Verify status of assets in real time
Track provenance and ESG data
Reduce execution risks